Science Education & Advocacy
Shanda’s founders believe that unlocking the mysteries of the human brain will unleash the next technological revolution. New industries will be created and opportunities for society will be plentiful. This is one of the reasons why they created the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute and committed a billion dollars to help advance brain science. It’s also why they invest in start-ups operating in this field.
In order to engage people in this discussion and garner more support for brain science, Shanda’s founders created an education and advocacy program which includes the three initiatives below.

To show just how close we are to major scientific breakthroughs and to advocate for increased support for brain science, we commissioned a documentary called “Minds Wide Open.” Since its release, the film has won eight international awards.

Exploring philosophical questions with the latest science.
We present the most enduring philosophical questions along with the latest scientific research for each topic. Indulge your curiosity and join the conversation.

To help promote the focus of the Chen Frontier Lab for A.I. and Mental Health, Shanda’s founders released a five minute video which explores what we do and don’t know about human cognition. The Institute worked with kurzgesagt GmbH, the creators of the popular Youtube series In a Nutshell to produce the video and plans to release other videos focused on the brain and mind in the future.