Success Stories
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam facilisis sapien nec odio mattis vehicula. Praesent risus lectus, rutrum vel elit id, tincidunt viverra sapien. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur eget tellus eu sem pretium venenatis. Ut a molestie nisl, id volutpat urna. Donec a eros id felis dignissim laoreet et a nunc. Donec euismod orci in orci luctus pellentesque. Ut sit amet sagittis turpis. Phasellus sit amet vehicula nunc. Integer sit amet ligula at felis pulvinar tempor a vitae urna. Aliquam in imperdiet est, nec tincidunt dui. In ut porta tortor. Nam turpis odio, pharetra id risus eget, venenatis imperdiet ligula. Integer malesuada pellentesque magna sed porta. Vestibulum suscipit consectetur est sit amet consequat.
Shanda Interactive Entertainment Story
It started with a game. We dreamt of a world where people can exist and interact virtually. A world that is fun and entertaining. We introduced an online game with the ambition to connect gamers in China using the internet. -
Cloudary Story
Once upon a time, all stories were told face to face. By the light of the campfire, storytellers watched the faces of their audience and adjusted their tales based on their reactions.